Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"The day is here"

Lydia and Michael's wedding was the last of 2008
and what a great one to end on. Lydia's loving spirit
and smile you could see form space permeated every moment
and Michael's kindness and contagious peace warmed everyone.
Together they are like lock and key, meant for each other.
They truly shared every moment from spontaneous, bagpipe inspired
dancing to enduring the cold and indulging this photographer's request for
"just one more, ok may be two more shots"
thank you so much Lydia and Michael,

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Hey, Chris, Tricia,

What fun it was to have you two hanging out with the crew all day long. The photos turned out fantastic -- looking through them is like being back at the wedding! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Another amazing job my the Keels. Always an honor to be one of the first to see and work on your lovingly created images.

lcurtis said...

Thanks, Chris, for all your hard work! I still can't believe how beautiful the photos came out. Michael has caught me looking at them many times in the past week (when I'm supposed to be studying). They are a joy to look at.

Chris Keels said...

I'm so glad Lydia, thank you!