Saturday, January 06, 2007


Well, it has been more than a month since my last post. I’m not sure
how so much time passes so quickly with so little notice at times. It’s a condition
I’d like to do away with in the new year. That said, one of my resolutions
is to post much more often to this blog. I have no idea how many check this thing out but for the few or many that do hopefully there will be more shared.

Looking down the road at 2006, I am dizzy with speed that it’s come and gone.
The predominant feeling I have is gratitude. My wife Tricia, my sons Atticus and Adam, my family, my church, my friends, our clients have fully defined the word blessing to me and with my whole heart I thank God.

I thought I’d share Abigal & Alison Brown. I’ve been photographing them since they were a few months old. They are growing up beautifully.

Also congrats Chris and Emiy on your Adorable boy, Noah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great shots!!!

keep up the blogging.

jim davis-hicks